Saturday, October 26, 2013


well i've never been the most organized person in the world but i've always admired those who had the time to even organize their homes and make it pretty! i've always thought about that TIME problem that everyone has. I am currently in school and working full time (or the full time they allow me to work which is so I never have TIME to do anything, so I say. But of course i have time to watch netflix or tv x] SO ive been obsessed with Pinterest lately and Blog lovin' with all their wonderful organization posts! and I was reading one of my favorite organization blogs called "I Heart Organization" and she posted a quote from one of her favorite bloggers, dont remember the name of that blog, and it was about organizing and time. she explains that the reason why she organizes, even if it takes so much time to do, is so she wont waste time later looking for whatever she needs. All of us waste time looking for that something that we remember putting somewhere but isnt there anymore, which is SUPER annoying. So i have decided to start organizing certain areas in my house (i am currently living with my mom and bro). my first project ever was the "junk drawer' in the kitchen which my mom & i totally trashed out and organized with tiny boxes. it has so far stayed like that for quite some time so i've been very happy about that. and that has motivated me to organize other parts & rooms in my house, yay! 

TODAY I plan to kick-off the organization train in my garage! We have a huge garage, so huge that we have split it in half- a couple living on one side and the other half is ours for storage. But when ever we open it, it stinks and looks like a disaster so we have to close it right away. my mom has attempted to organize it once, and it worked for about a month. our family travels, and camps a lot so we take things out and back in a lot. and it's always a pain to look for something we need and climb over other things to find something. which is why i plan to start organizing it today! I will post some pictures of before and after sometime in the future.

have a good day!