Wednesday, September 28, 2016

four weeks

So he had to leave earlier than expected, because of a death in the family, so now I won't see him for another four weeks. I can totally do that. We've had to go through something like this before but maybe even worse. We couldn't really talk to each other. Now it's a little different because well, we're engaged. So many it's A LOT different. I'm just a bit sad about not being able to hug him and have him next to me. Not gonna be fun. Just gonna have to rely and depend on the Lord for that. I couldn't make him stay, I totally understand why he had to go, so I'm ok. I'm in between happy but sad. Happy because I'll get extra sleep (I'll get rid of these ugly bags under my eyes, hopefully), extra time and extra wedding things done. Sad because he's just sooo far away. It'll hit me harder later...

SO, while he is gone, I need to get a lot of wedding things done before I head over there to AR by the end of October. I'm kind of excited but frightened at the same time.

first thing on the list: Send out the save the dates! (which means shortening/finalizing that huge guest it goes)

Monday, September 26, 2016


I don't think it's hit me yet....I'm getting married. I'm very happy and excited to start this new chapter with my other half...but it doesn't feel like I'm actually getting married! MARRIED. Everything I've heard or everything you think you should feel, hasn't hit me yet. I'm about to spend the rest of my life with another person. Someone who loves to be with me. Someone who wants me around all the time, every day. Someone who wants to share a bed with me. Share a house with me. Share their future with me. Someone who loves me for who I am. For ever. It may be that it hasn't "hit me" yet because I still can't believe this is true. Marriage is something every girl dreams and fantasizes about. Is this really happening to me? Does someone as great as he is really want to spend the rest of his life with me? Me. Leslie.
What have I done to deserve this? This is all too good to be true. How can someone love me so much? That they want to spend the rest of their life with me. This is all too great. I'm so in love! I'm so excited! I don't even know how to react!
All I know is that it's all thanks to the Lord. He's done all of this. There is no way I had any part in making all of this happen. Maybe only in taking Him as my Head and Person. I don't even know if I really did do that, but I do know that I could not have done this alone. I wouldn't even know what to do. All I knew is that I liked someone, and I wanted to get to know this person, but I didn't want to waste my time if he wasn't "the one." I'm not as young as I used to be, I can't be taking my sweet time on something so serious like this. I knew I wanted to get married with someone who loved the Lord and someone who would bring me back to Lord in all situations. I wanted to be clear before I invested any time on this person. So I prayed...for half a year. We kept in contact, I would see him everyday. We prayed as a team once a week. & he somewhat had an idea I liked him, BUT I never told him. I was not about to put myself out there if I wasn't sure about this. It wasn't until I finally gave it all to the Lord, pretty much gave up on him, stopped praying so much for him, and felt ok about ending these feelings, that the Lord started working. Three months later, it all begins again. This time, on his side.
That's when the courtship began, the waiting began, and the praying continued...

Fast forward 10 months later and we are engaged to be married December 4th, 2016

&& I don't think I've ever been happier in my entire life